Aegis GSM Voice Terminal — Call Recording Software Installation
Aegis Informatics is a platform for recording business calls we provide call recording software for every organization. Our Aegis Call Recording Software allows users to manage client interaction, store and capture call recording data.
Find below Drivers Installation and GVT Installation Manual
- Drivers Installation Manual
Navigate to the location of driver installation file.

Execute the file with administrative rights. To do so, either double-click the file or right-click on the file and select “Run as administrator”

After Execution, you will be asked for password. Type “12345” without commas as password. After entering correct password click OK.

Setup will start by initially extracting files, let it proceed as it is.

Click next to proceed

Type your user name, company name and click next

Select custom destination folder where you want to keep installed driver files or let it be as it is and click next to proceed.

As the installation goes, another popup wizard will appear for addition files installation. Click next to proceed.

You’ll see the windows security popup asking for permissions to install the drivers, here click on “Always trust software from STMicroelectronics” to tick the box and click on Install to continue installation.

Click on finish.

Click on “No, skip this step.” and click finish to finish the driver installation.

As drivers for your device are successfully configured, now, proceed to the Telephone Call Recording software installation by following the procedure stated below.
2. GVT Installation Manual
Navigate to the location of setup file.

Execute the file with administrative rights. To do so, either double-click the file or right-click on the file and select “Run as administrator”

After Execution, you will be asked for password. Type “GVT” without commas as password. After entering correct password click OK.

Setup will start by initially extracting files, let it proceed as it is.

As soon as the file extraction completes, a new window will open up like below to set-up the software. Below is the representation of new window.
The set-up process is followed as Extraction > Preparation > Installation of Package 1, 2, 3, 4 > Creating Files Copy

At the end, you’ll see a prompt like below. So, you need to Press any key or Press Return to close the setup window.

Your setup is completed successfully. Now, you can access the software using the GVT.exe icon placed on your desktop like this.

If, unfortunately, you are unable to find any shortcut icon, then open run using + R. Type %appdata% and press enter key.

Application data folder will be opened after this. Now, open GVT folder.

Inside GVT folder you’ll find a file GVT as shortcut file. Cut and paste this file on your desktop.

Now, connect your Hardware via USB to your system and run your software using the shortcut file placed on your desktop.
Aegis Informatics provide Fixed Cellular Terminal (GSM Voice Terminal Voice Application) with excellent features our aegis call recording software makes it easy and simple to not just record your calls but also to store and manage your call.